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문화생활(Culture activities)/전시회(exhibition)

미니어처 라이프 전시회

by 주름쿠키 2023. 6. 20.

작년 초에 우연히 미니어처라이프 전시회라는 걸 알게 되어 여자친구와 함께 같이 가게 되었다.

장소는 여의도 IFC몰에서 했었고 사람이 많아서 대기줄이 길었다. 30여분 정도 대기후 입장을 하였다.


Last year, by chance, I came to know about the Miniature Life Exhibition and decided to go with my

girlfriend. The event took place at Yeouido IFC Mall, and it was crowded with a long queue.

After waiting for about 30 minutes, we finally entered the exhibition.


미니어처 라이프 포스터

일본인 작가가 만든 미니어처이고 전에 올렸던 홍콩미니어처와는 또 다른 느낌이었다.


The Miniature Life exhibition was created by a Japanese artist, and it had a different vibe

compared to the Hong Kong Miniature I mentioned before.


각 작품마다 제목이 있었는데 작품만 놓고보면 정말 아기자기하고 귀여운데 제목을 보고 작품을 감상하니

웃긴 작품도 있었고 다른 시각으로 보게 된 작품도 있었다.


Each artwork had its own title, and when you looked at the pieces alone, they were really

adorable and cute. However, when you read the titles and observed the artworks,

there were funny pieces that made you laugh, and there were also pieces that made

you see things from a different perspective.


볶음밥의 파도를 타고 서핑을 즐기는 사람인데 전시를 보는 내내 아이디어가 진짜 참신하고 좋다고 느껴졌다.

그리고 작품 퀄리티가 전부 좋아서 감탄이 멈추질 않았다.


As someone who enjoys surfing on the waves of fried rice, I found the ideas presented

in the exhibition to be truly innovative and inspiring throughout. Moreover, the quality

of the artworks was consistently impressive, leaving me in awe.


스펀지 위에서 테니스를 하는 작품인데 소품 활용도가 진짜 대단하다. 그리고 사람이나 사물들도 직접 다 만드신 거라

그저 신기하기만 했다.


There was a piece where they played tennis on a sponge, and the clever use of

props was truly remarkable. It was also fascinating to see that the figures and objects

were all handcrafted, which added to the overall sense of wonder.


벚꽃나무 같은 느낌을 주는데 단추로 나뭇잎을 표현했다는 게 진짜 발상의 전환이다.


It was truly a creative leap to depict cherry blossom trees using buttons as leaves,

creating a feeling of spring.


수첩에 야자나무를 옆에 두니 진짜 바다나 수영장 같은 느낌이 든다. 거기다가 선베드까지 있으니까

나도 피서지에 놀러 가서 저렇게 즐기고 싶다는 생각이 든다.


Having palm trees next to the notebook really gives a sense of being by the sea

or a swimming pool. And with the sunbeds there, it makes me want to go on a

vacation and enjoy that kind of leisurely time.


개인적으로 제일 만족스러웠던 작품이다. 맥주 거품을 눈으로 표현한 것도 멋지지만 그냥 맥주 자체로 놓고

보아도 정말 그 시원한 생맥주 한잔이 떠오르면서 맥주를 당기게 하는 마법 같은 작품 이어서 매우 마음에



It was personally the most satisfying piece for me. The way they represented the beer foam visually was

impressive, but even just looking at the beer itself, it truly evoked the image of a refreshing draft beer

and created a magical attraction that makes you crave for a sip. I really loved it.


저 작품도 진짜 놀라웠는데 스템플러심지로 저렇게 도시표현을 해놓았다는 게 진짜 예술이라는 느낌이 들었다.


That artwork was also truly astonishing. The way they depicted the cityscape using staple remover

pads was a true testament to artistry. It left me with a feeling of awe, as it showcased the creativity

and skill involved.


갖가지 식기와 소품들로 기차역을 만들었다. 빵으로 된 기차이고 실제로 기찻길을 따라 움직인다.

아마 작품 중에 제일 사이즈가 큰 작품이었던 걸로 기억한다.


They created a train station using various utensils and props. It was a bread-made train that

actually moved along the tracks. I believe it was the largest artwork among the exhibits in

terms of size.


저렇게 한 바퀴 빙 둘러서 온다. 잠깐동안 작품을 바라보면서 감상하였다.


It goes around in a complete circle like that, and I took a moment to admire the artwork and

appreciate it.


스위치에 버튼에 비스듬히 서있는 사람인데 만약 스위치를 눌러서 방향이 바뀐다면 어떨지 상상을 하게 되는



The person standing diagonally on the switch gave me the imagination of what would happen

if the direction changed by pressing the switch.


제목 "석양에 취하다"

유일하게 작품명까지 찍힌 사진이다. 그냥 작품만 놓고 본다면 가족사진이라고 생각이 들 수 있지만 다시 제목을

보고 작품을 본다면 공감을 하게 되는 그런 작품들도 많다.


It's a photo that captured the title of the artwork as well. If you just look at the artwork,

it may seem like a family photo, but when you look at the title again and observe the artwork,

you can feel a sense of empathy with many of them.


이외에도 정말 다양하게 많은 작품들이 즐비했는데 전시회 가격이 전혀 아깝지 않을 정도로 만족스러웠고

다음에 또 전시를 한다면 무조건 재방문할 예정이다.


In addition to that, there were truly a wide variety of artworks, and I was completely satisfied

to the point that the exhibition price was not at all regrettable. If there is another exhibition

in the future, I am definitely planning to revisit it.



