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문화생활(Culture activities)/전시회(exhibition)

홍콩 미니어처 전시회

by 주름쿠키 2023. 6. 15.

시간이 좀 지났지만 2022년 10월 초에 강남 코엑스에서 했던 전시회에 대해 이야기 해보려고 한다.


Although some time has passed, I would like to tell you about the exhibition that took place at

COEX in Gangnam, Seoul in early October 2022.


여자친구가 꼭 가보고 싶다고 말했던 미니어처 전시회를 처음엔 귀찮아서 가기 싫어했지만 막상 가보니

퀄리티가 남달라서 정말 가서 보길 잘했다는 생각이 들었다. 지금부터 하나씩 사진을 올려보겠다.


My girlfriend initially insisted on going to a miniature exhibition, which I was reluctant to

attend because I thought it would be a hassle. However, once I actually went and saw it,

I realized that the quality was outstanding, and I felt glad that I decided to go.

I will now start uploading photos one by one.


이게 아마 제일 처음에 봤던 작품 같다. 아티스트는 홍콩사람이라 홍콩의 생활과 문화를 담은 미니어처였다.

실제 도시를 그대로 축소시켜서 만든거 같아서 정말 신기했고, 들여다 볼수록 정말 아기자기하게 세심한

디테일 표현까지 관찰 할 수 있어서 신기했다.


This artwork seems to be the one I saw first. The artist was from Hong Kong, and

it was a beautiful miniature that captured the life and culture of Hong Kong.
It appeared as if an actual city had been meticulously shrunk down, which was

incredibly fascinating. The more I looked closely, the more I was amazed by the

intricate and detailed expressions. It was truly impressive to observe.


저런식으로 노점상에 있는 음식들을 그대로 축소시킨거 같고 여러가지 둘러보면서 실제로 먹어보고싶은 음식들도



It felt like they had shrunk down various foods found in street stalls, and as I explored,

I even saw some dishes that I actually wanted to taste.


작게 만든 미니어처도있고 저렇게 큰건물로 이루어져 사이즈가 상당한 미니어처 작품들도 많이 있었다.


There were not only small miniature creations but also many larger-scale miniature

artworks composed of substantial-sized buildings.


홍콩 도시 건물의 간판과 가게들 그리고 건물에 불켜져있고 도로위를 지나다니는 차들의 퀄리티를 보면 진짜 

감탄이 저절로 나오고 한국을 배경으로한 미니어처 도시도 있으면 좋을 것 같다는 생각도 들었다.


I'm amazed by the signage and shops in the city buildings of Hong Kong,

as well as the illuminated buildings and the quality of cars passing by on the roads.

It's truly awe-inspiring. It makes me think that it would be wonderful to have a miniature

city set against the backdrop of Korea, capturing the essence of its charm.


음식퀄 미쳤따..의자에 나무 재질에서 보이는 세월이 지난 흔적들 그리고 술병, 캔이담긴 통 보는내내

눈이 즐거웠고 너무 재밌었다.


The aged marks on the wooden chairs and the barrel filled with bottles and cans evoke

a sense of time passing by. It was delightful and enjoyable to observe these details throughout.


그리고 중간중간에 패러디 미니어처도 있어서 가끔가다 보이면 더욱더 유심히 보게된다. 위의 사진에는

오징어게임 오일남 할아버지가 주인장으로 계셨다ㅋㅋㅋ


And in between, there were also parodied miniatures that caught my attention from time to time.

Seeing them added an extra layer of interest to the experience. In the photo above,

there was a parody of the "Squid Game" with an owner resembling the character Oh il nam Grandpa.


조정경기하는 모습이 진짜 물 위에서 빠르게 물살을 가르며 나아가는 모습이 그려질 정도로 역동정이다.


The scenes depicting water sports such as water skiing or wakeboarding are

so dynamic that they vividly capture the athletes swiftly gliding through the rushing currents.


항구쪽인것 같다. 짐을 나르는 배와 그뒤에 지나다니는 차들 그리고 사람 등등.. 어떻게 만들었는지 신기할뿐이다.


It seems to be a harbor area. The depiction of cargo ships carrying goods, cars passing by,

and people bustling around is fascinating and leaves one curious about the intricacies

of its construction.


홍콩 문방구 인거 같은데 진짜 세세하게 여러가지 물건들 볼거리가 많고 옛날에 학창시절 학교 앞 문방구가 생각이 난다.


It resembles a stationery store in Hong Kong, with a wide variety of items to explore in great detail.

It brings back memories of the old days when there used to be a stationary store near the

school during my student days.


극장 건물인것 같다. 옛날 70~80년대 극장같은 느낌이 많이 든다.


It seems to be a theater building. It gives off a strong vibe reminiscent of theaters from the 70s and 80s.


여러가지 과자들 파는 가게인것 같다. 정말 실제같아서 먹어보고싶을 정도이다. 


It appears to be a store selling various snacks. It looks so realistic that it makes you

want to try the snacks for real.


보석판매점 같은데 길가에 돌아다니는 길냥이가 키포인트 인것 같다.ㅋㅋㅋ


It seems to be a jewelry store, and the presence of the wandering cats on the street

adds to its charm.


과일이 정말 먹음직스럽다. 전시 볼 때 밥을 못먹어서 무지 배가 고팠는데 고퀄리티 음식 미니어처를 보다보니

더 허기져서 보기가 힘들었다ㅋㅋㅋ


The fruits look incredibly appetizing. I was already hungry before seeing the exhibition,

but looking at the high-quality miniature food made me even hungrier, making it

difficult to focus on the display.


한약방 같은데 저런 약재보관함도 진짜 구현 잘했다.


It resembles a traditional herbal medicine shop, and they have done a remarkable job in

recreating the herbal medicine cabinets.


군침흘리게 만드는 비주얼.. 저런 포장마차 같은데서 야식먹어보고 싶다.. 밤에 조명달고 전시해놓으면 감성과 낭만이



It's a mouth-watering visual that makes you crave for street food from such food stalls.

I would love to try some late-night snacks there, especially if the exhibition is set up with

decorative lights at night, creating a romantic and sentimental atmosphere.


건물 내부 모습까지 아주 세세하게 꾸며놔서 정말 신기했다. 도로에 거친 표면도 재현한 부분도 신기했다.


The interior of the buildings was meticulously decorated, which was truly amazing to see.

Even the rough surfaces of the roads were accurately replicated, adding to the overall realism.


알록달록하게 꾸며진 등불? 판매점인지 아무튼 제일 맘에 들었다.


It seems like a colorful lantern or lamp store, although I'm not certain if it's a shop or

part of a display. Nevertheless, it's the one that caught your attention the most,

and it must have a charming and visually appealing atmosphere.


미니어처 작가님이 직접 오셔서 시연도 하셨는데 그중에 본인이 만들었던 미니어처 음식들을 펼쳐놓았고 정말 다양한

음식 미니어처들이 있었다. 작가님 허락하에 직접 만져 볼 수도 있었다.


The miniature artist personally came and demonstrated their work, showcasing a variety of

miniature food creations they had made. It was fascinating to see the spread of different

food miniatures. With the artist's permission, I was even able to touch and feel them myself.


직접 시연하는 작가님

직접 만드는 모습을 눈앞에서 볼 수 있었다. 저렇게 하나하나 수작업으로 만드는데 정말 대단하신것 같고 나는 한두개 만들다가 지쳐 쓰러질지도 모른다


I was able to witness the process of creating miniatures firsthand. Seeing them meticulously

crafting each piece by hand was truly impressive, and I couldn't help but feel amazed

by their talent. I tried making one or two myself, but I quickly grew exhausted

and felt like I might collapse.



도구를 이용하여 면을 뽑는 사진

저렇게 여러 도구를 이용하여 고퀄리티의 미니어처 만드는 모습을 볼 수 있었다.


I was able to witness the process of creating high - quality miniatures using various tools.


이렇게하여 완성된 고퀄리티 고기국수 그릇까지 아주 완벽하다. 재질은 생각보다 딱딱하고 저것 말고도 다른 몇가지

음식들도 만들고 재연해주셨다.


The perfectly crafted high - quality bowl of meat noodles, including the finished dish,

is truly impressive. The texture is surprisingly firm, and in addition to that, the artist also

made and replicated several other dishes.


그냥 보는내내 신기하고 재밌었다. 다음에 또 이런 전시가 있으면 꼭 갈 예정이고 안가보신 분들은 다음에 전시를 또

하게된다면 꼭 한번 가보시라고 권해드리고 싶다.


I was constantly amazed and entertained throughout the entire experience.

I definitely plan on visiting again if there's another exhibition like this, and for those

who haven't been, I highly recommend going if there's another exhibition in the future.
