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여름 물놀이 하기 좋은 가평 "용추계곡"

by 주름쿠키 2023. 7. 6.

강화도 편에 이은 작년 휴가시즌에 다녀온 이야기 두 번째 가평 용추계곡에 대해 써보려고 한다.

무더운 여름 물놀이가 하고 싶어서 서울 근교로 물놀이할 만한 곳을 찾다가 가평에 용추계곡이라는 곳을 가보게 되었다.

휴가시즌이라 다리 밑이나 그늘진 명당자리는 이미 만석이라 자리가 없었고 천천히 운전하면서 괜찮아 보이는 자리를 찾고 있었는데 어짜피 파라솔도 들고 왔겠다 그냥 인적 드문 곳 땡볕에 자리를 잡고 놀았다.


I'm going to write about my visit to Yongchu Valley in Gapyeong during last year's vacation season, which was the second part of my trip to Ganghwa Island.

In the scorching summer, I wanted to cool off and enjoy some water activities near Seoul. That's when I discovered Yongchu Valley in Gapyeong, a perfect place for water fun. As it was during the peak vacation season, all the popular spots under the bridges or shaded areas were already packed with people, and there was no available space. So, I decided to drive slowly and look for a secluded spot. I brought my own parasol, so I found a quiet spot under the scorching sun and had a great time playing in the water.


용추계곡 전경

태풍이 지나간 지 얼마 안 되어 물이 적당하게 불어 있었고 엄청 맑고 깨끗했다. 가쪽에서 라면 끓이고 삼겹살 구워 먹으면

진짜 맛있을 거 같다는 생각을 하며 더운 날씨에 시원한 계곡물에 발을 담갔다.


Since a typhoon had recently passed, the water level at Yongchu Valley was just right, and the water was incredibly clear and pristine. I couldn't help but think that it would be delicious to cook ramen and grill samgyeopsal (pork belly) on the side while enjoying the coolness of the valley water. With that thought in mind, I dipped my feet into the refreshing stream on that hot day.


용추계곡의 맑은 물

물이 시원하고 깨끗하고 날씨도 정말 청량했고 더운 거만 빼면 다 좋았다. 여자친구와 열심히 얘기도 하고

같이 물놀이를 즐겼는데 깊이라 성인이 수영을 할만한 깊이는 아니고 딱 반신욕 할 때 그 정도 깊이라서

차분하게 물놀이를 즐겼다.


The water was refreshing and clean, and the weather was truly invigorating. Aside from the heat, everything was perfect. My girlfriend and I had a great time talking and enjoying the water activities together. Although the depth of the water was not suitable for swimming for adults, it was just deep enough for a relaxing half-body soak. We calmly enjoyed our time playing in the water.


파라솔 밑에서 한 컷

주변에 사람도 없고 여분의 옷도 안 들고 와서 그냥 웃통만 벗고 시원한 계곡물에 몸을 맡겼다. 파라솔 그늘아래서

계곡물에 눕다시피 몸을 담그니까 정말 시원해서 천국이 따로 없었다.


With no one else around and not having brought extra clothes, I decided to simply take off my shirt and immerse myself in the refreshing water of the valley. I laid down under the shade of the parasol, letting my body soak in the coolness of the water. It felt incredibly refreshing, and in that moment, it felt like there was no other place I'd rather be. It was like a little piece of paradise.


파라솔 밑에서 한 컷

여자친구는 다리까지만 담그고 파라솔밑에서 둘이 오붓하게 피서를 만끽하였다. 날씨가 안 좋았으면 조금 놀다가

집으로 갔을 것 같은데 거의 해가 질 때쯤에 집으로 들어갔다.


My girlfriend only dipped her legs in the water and we both enjoyed a peaceful picnic under the parasol. If the weather had been bad, we might have played for a little while and then headed home, but we ended up staying until almost sunset before finally heading back.


용추계곡 전경 2

그리고 우리가 놀던 곳 근처에는 편의점이 하나가 있어서 음료와 컵라면을 만들어와서 나는 물속에서 반신욕 하면서 자연을 반찬 삼아서 정말 맛있게 먹었었다. 정말 잊지 못할 추억이 되었고 물놀이하면 금방 또 허기가 지니까 집 근처에 고깃집으로 가서 정말 야무지게 맛있게 저녁을 먹었던 기억이 난다.


Near the place where we were playing, there was a convenience store, so we bought some drinks and cup noodles. I made the cup noodles while enjoying a half-body soak in the water, using the surrounding nature as a side dish. It was incredibly delicious and became a memorable experience. After playing in the water, we quickly got hungry, so we went to a nearby barbecue restaurant and had a satisfying and delicious dinner. I still remember the taste vividly.


아직 구체적인 계획은 없지만 올해 여름에도 피서를 가게 된다면 포스팅을 할 예정이다.ㅎㅎ


Although I don't have specific plans yet, if I go on a vacation again this summer, I plan to write a blog post about it.



경기 가평군 가평읍 승안리

비용 없음.


"Yongchu Valley"

Seungan-ri, Gapyeong-eup, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi

Province Free admission.

