2022년 9월에 다녀온 파주 헤이리마을 한국근현대사박물관에 대해 써보려고 한다.
사진이 빈약하지만 최대한 모자람 없이 써볼 것이다.
I'm going to try writing about my visit to the Heyri Village and the Korean Modern History Museum in Paju, which took place in September 2022. Although the photos are limited, I'll do my best to describe the experience.
파주 헤이리마을에는 여러가지 박물관이나 공연 가게들이 있다. 평일에는 안 가봐서 잘 모르겠지만
주말이나 쉬는 날에 가면 사람들로 북적이고 주차장도 여러 곳에 있지만 거의다 자리가 만석이라
힘들다는 점 참고하면 좋을 것 같다.
Heyri Village in Paju offers a variety of museums and performance venues. I haven't been there on weekdays, so I'm not sure, but on weekends or holidays, it can be quite crowded with people. Parking lots are available in several locations, but they tend to fill up quickly, so it can be challenging to find a spot. It's something to keep in mind if you plan to visit.
우리가 간곳은 한국 근현대사박물관이고 여기에는 학창 시절 즐겨보던 검정고무신을 떠올리게 만드는
그런 마을들이 있다고하여 기대를 품고 티켓을 끊고 향했다. 입구 쪽 사진은 없지만 입구 쪽에는 옛날
슈퍼마켓이 떠오르는 비주얼을 가진 가게가 있고 입장권을 주인분께 드리고 지하로 내려갔던것 같다.
여러 층으로 되어있었고 각 층마다 볼거리가 아주 빼곡하게 있다.
The place we visited was the Korean Modern History Museum, and I had high expectations because I had heard that there were villages reminiscent of the old rubber shoe stores I used to enjoy during my school days. With anticipation, we purchased tickets and headed there. I don't have a photo of the entrance, but there was a shop that had a visual reminiscent of an old supermarket near the entrance. We handed our tickets to the owner and went downstairs. It seemed like there were multiple floors, and each floor was packed with things to see and explore.
마치 한 장면을 사진 찍은 것처럼 혹은 시간을 멈춰놓은 것처럼 전시를 해놓았다. 저 시절에 살아보지 못해서 잘은 모르지만 옛날 소품들로 거의 똑같이 재현해 놓은 것 같다는 생각이 들었고 부모님이나 어르신들 모시고 오면 옛날 추억의 향수에
젖어들지 않을까 라는 생각을 해보았다.
The exhibitions were set up as if capturing a single scene in a photograph or freezing a moment in time. I didn't experience that era firsthand, so I can't say for certain, but it felt like they had recreated it almost identically with vintage items and props. I couldn't help but think that if I were to bring my parents or older relatives here, they would be immersed in the nostalgia of their past memories.
옛날 가정집의 모습인것 같은데 보고 있으면 검정고무신만화가 계속 생각이 났다.
소품들이나 밥과 반찬, 밥상 등등 보고있으면 내가 저시절에 있었다면 어떻게 살고 있을지 상상도 하게 되었다.
It felt like I was looking at the interior of an old-fashioned home, and it kept reminding me of the scenes from the Black Rubber Shoes comic series. As I observed the various items, the meals, the side dishes, and the dining table, I couldn't help but imagine how I would have lived during that time if I had been there.
위의 사진처럼 포토존같이 구성되어 있는 곳도 있다. 근데 포토존이 아니어도 진짜 내부에 있는 모든 것들이
옛 정취를 느낄 수 있게 구성이 되어있어서 어디서 찍던 그곳이 포토존이라는 생각이 들었다.
There are places that are set up like photo zones, similar to the photo shown above. However, even if it's not specifically a designated photo zone, every element inside the museum gives off a nostalgic atmosphere, making it feel like every corner is a perfect photo spot.
옛날 푸세식 변소도 재현되어 있고 포토존인 것 같다 한번 포즈를 취해보았다.
아래쪽 덩 까지 완벽해서 약간 혐짤 같다ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
There was even a recreated old-fashioned public restroom, and it seemed like a photo zone. I decided to strike a pose and take a photo.
지하에서 구경하고 위로 올라가는데 저렇게 마을 전경을 볼 수 있는데 진짜 옛날에는 저런 풍경이 일상이었을 거라고
생각을 하니까 진짜 신기했고 지붕에 고추 말리고 호박 있고 하는 게 정말 표현 리얼하다는 생각밖에 안 들었다.
As I ascended from the underground area, I had a view of the village landscape, and it made me realize that such scenery must have been a common sight in the past. It was fascinating to think about how people used to live amidst such surroundings. Seeing dried peppers and pumpkins on the roofs, it truly felt like an authentic representation of that time.
이번에는 다른 집안의 내부인데 여기 또한 옛날 소품들로 가득 차있고 그 시절의 감성에 맞게 잘 꾸며져 있었다.
This time, I entered another house, and its interior was also filled with vintage items, meticulously decorated to evoke the sentiment of that era.
사진이 약간 흔들리게 나왔는데 뭔가 실제로 여기를 지나가는 느낌이 나서 올려보았다. 진짜 여기서 살고 있는 느낌이 나고
복덕방에 담배 파는 것도 신기했다.
The photo came out slightly shaky, but I wanted to share it because it gave a sense of actually passing through this place. It truly felt like I was living here, and it was fascinating to see a tobacco shop in the market alley.
이번에는 아들이 사고 쳐서 어머니께 혼나고 있는 모습 같았다. 뒤처리 하는 모습에서 내가 어린 시절 사고 친 것도 저렇게
우리 엄마가 치웠을 거라는 생각이 들었다.
This time, it seemed like a scene where a son had gotten into trouble and was being scolded by his mother. Watching her handle the situation, it reminded me of when I was young and got into accidents, imagining that my own mother would have handled it in a similar way.
여기도 또 다른 방인데 방 가운데 고구마 감자랑 벽면에 상장이랑 가족사진이 매우 인상 깊었다.
In this another room, there were sweet potatoes and potatoes placed in the center of the room, along with framed certificates and family photos on the wall. It left a deep impression on me.
옛날 찻집인지 다방인지 잘은 모르겠는데 옛날에 다방은 지금의 카페와 같은 역할을 했다고 어디서 본 거 같다.
저렇게 장기도 두고 얘기도 하고 놀고 했던 장소인 것 같다.
I'm not sure if it was an old tea house or a traditional cafe, but it reminded me of how cafes in the past served a similar role. I feel like I've seen places like that before, where people would play board games, have conversations, and simply enjoy their time.
진짜 건물 하나하나 가게나 집 내부묘사가 정말 리얼하다 처음에 보면 감탄사밖에 안 나온다.
The descriptions of each building, whether it's a shop or a house, are incredibly realistic. When you first see them, it's hard not to be amazed.
검정고무신에서 보았던 학생모자인데 신기해서 여자친구랑 같이 모자를 쓰고 한컷 찍었다.
여러 층에 볼 수 있는 것들이 가득 차있는데 시간 가는 줄 모르고 구경을 했고 여자친구와 나도 정말 재밌게 구경하였다.
다음에는 부모님 모시고 파주에 놀러 갈 일이 있다면 한번 모시고갈 계획이다.
입장료가 7,000원인데 처음에는 생각보다 비싸다는 느낌이었는데 막상 전시를 쭉 둘러보고 나니까 정말 아깝지 않은
금액이고 진짜 알차게 볼거리가 많아서 굉장히 만족스러웠다.
We saw a student hat similar to the one we saw at the Gumshoe exhibit, and it was fascinating. My girlfriend and I decided to wear the hats and take a photo together. We explored the various floors filled with interesting exhibits, losing track of time. Both my girlfriend and I had a great time exploring. If we have the chance to visit Paju with our parents, we plan to take them there as well. The admission fee of 7,000 won initially seemed a bit expensive, but after exploring the entire exhibition, we realized it was well worth the price. There were plenty of things to see, and we were thoroughly satisfied with our experience.
경기 파주시 탄현면 헤이리마을길 59-85
운영시간 10:00 ~ 18:00 (월요일 휴무)
가격 1인 7,000₩
소인(36개월 ~ 고등학생) 1인 5,000₩
소요시간 1~2시간
"Korea Modern History Museum"
Address: 59-85 Heyri Maeul-gil, Tanhyeon-myeon, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Operating Hours: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (Closed on Mondays)
Admission Fee: Adults: 7,000 KRW per person Children (36 months to high school students): 5,000 KRW per person Duration: 1 to 2 hours.
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