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맛집(must-eat restaurant)

바당길, 그리고 우무 with 제주

by 주름쿠키 2023. 6. 19.

2022년 4월 따뜻한 봄 어느 날..

봄에 제주도를 떠나기로 한 약속을 이행하러 간 첫날 이야기다.


One day in warm spring of April 2022...

It's the story of the first day when we set off to fulfill our promise of visiting Jeju Island in spring.


꼭두새벽에 일어나 빠르게 준비를 하고 김포에서 제주로 이른 아침 비행기를 타고

떠났다. 롯데 렌트카에서 예약했던 캐스퍼를 타고 조식 먹으러 바로 달렸다.

첫날의 조식은 바로 "바당길" 이다.


We woke up at the crack of dawn, quickly prepared ourselves, and departed from Gimpo

to Jeju on an early morning flight. We hopped into the Casper, which we had reserved from

Lotte Rent-a-Car, and headed straight to have breakfast.
The breakfast of the first day was none other than 'Badang-gil.'


보말 죽과 보말 칼국수가 유명한 이곳은 여러 맛집중 하나이다.

처음에는 보말이 뭔지 몰랐는데 여자친구가 고동이 보말이라고 알려줘서 알게 되었다.


This place, known for its famous Bobal (conch) porridge and Bobal Kalguksu

(knife-cut noodles with conch), is one of the many popular restaurants. At first,

I didn't know what Bobal was, but my girlfriend told me that it's a type of conch,

and that's how I came to know about it.


아침으로 "바당길"을 선택한 이유는 가볍게 한 끼를 때우면서 든든하게 채울 수 있어서 죽으로 선택을



The reason we chose "Badanggil" for breakfast is that we wanted to have a light meal that could fill us up and provide us with energy. We opted for porridge as it is a comforting and satisfying option.


아침 일찍 가서 그런지 사람이 몇 테이블 없었고 테라스 자리가 있어서 바로 그쪽으로 향했다.

보말죽 2개를 시키고 피곤하지만 테라스에서 보이는 바깥 풍경을 보면서 음식이 나오길 기다렸다.


As we arrived early in the morning, there were only a few tables occupied, and we quickly headed towards the terrace seating. We ordered two bowls of "bomaljuk" (abalone porridge) and eagerly waited for the food while enjoying the view of the surrounding scenery from the terrace.


애피타이저로 나온 보리밥이다. 바당길에서 만든 특제 양념장도 같이 주는데 거기다가 보리밥을

슥삭 비벼서 먹으면 진짜 맛있다. 양은 딱 입맛을 돋워 줄 정도로 나왔다.

특제 양념장이 적당히 매콤 달콤하면서 감칠맛이 있어서 맛이 있고 따로 구매도 가능하다.


We were served barley rice as an appetizer. At Bar-dang-gil, they also provided a special

homemade seasoning sauce to accompany it. Mixing the barley rice with a dash of the sauce

made it incredibly delicious. The portion size was just right to satisfy our taste buds.

The homemade seasoning sauce had the perfect balance of spiciness and sweetness,

adding a flavorful touch to the dish. It was so good that you could even purchase it separately.


드디어 나온 보말죽 진짜 고소한 죽 위에 보말이 한가득 올라가 있다.

맛이 엄청 특별하거나 그러진 않은데 정말 기본에 충실하다. 고소하면서 중간중간 보말이 씹혀서

먹는 재미를 한 층 더 올려준다. 사장님도 친절하시고 테라스 풍경도 좋아서 여러 모로 만족스러운

식사를 하고 떠났다.


Finally, the bo-mal-juk (abalone porridge) arrived, and it was topped with a generous

amount of abalone. The flavor was not overly unique or extravagant, but it stayed

true to the basics. The porridge had a rich and savory taste, and the abalone added

a delightful chewy texture throughout. It enhanced the eating experience.

The owner of the restaurant was also kind, and the terrace view was lovely,

making it a satisfying meal in every aspect.


제주도에 왔다면 한번쯤 꼭 먹어보고 가라고 하고 싶을 정도로 맛이 괜찮았고 보말죽 외에 다른

메뉴는 먹어보지는 못했지만 남녀노소 모두에게 추천해 줘도 괜찮을 음식이었다.


The taste was good enough that I would recommend trying it at least once if you visit Jeju Island. Aside from the bo-mal-juk, I didn't have a chance to try other dishes, but it was a food that I would confidently recommend to people of all ages and genders.



제주 제주시 한림읍 한림서길 18

보말죽 기준 1인 13,000₩

영업시간 오전 8:00 ~ 오후 15:30분까지



18, Hallimseo-gil, Hallim-eup, Jeju-si, Republic of Korea

The price for one serving of bo-mal-juk is 13,000 KRW per person.

The business hours are from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM.



바당길을 먹고 난 후 협재 해수욕장으로 향하는 길에 사람들이 길게 줄 서 있는 맛집냄새가 나는 곳을 발견하여

근처에 적당히 주차를 하고 급하게 줄을 섰는데 그곳은..


On the way to Hyeopjae Beach after having the meal at Badanggil, I spotted a place where people

were lining up and the smell of delicious food filled the air.

I quickly found a suitable parking spot nearby and hurriedly joined the queue. That place was...


푸딩 맛집 UMU 우무 였다!

운 좋게 그쪽으로 지나가게 되어 고민하지 않고 바로 구매하러 갔고 대략 30분 정도 기다림 끝에 구매를

할 수 있었다. 기다리는데 그늘이 없어서 조금 고생할 수도 있으니까 양산이라도 하나 구비해서 간다면

좋을 것 같다.


It turned out to be the famous pudding shop UMU!

Luckily, I happened to pass by that area and without hesitation, I went straight to make a purchase.

After waiting for about 30 minutes, I was able to buy the pudding. It might be a bit challenging

to wait without any shade, so it would be great to bring an umbrella or something similar

for convenience.


그렇게 구매를 성공하였고 종이가방이 귀여워서 여자친구가 길 가다가 찍었었다.


I successfully made the purchase, and the paper bag was so cute that my girlfriend took a picture

of it while we were walking along the street.



맛이 궁금하였던 우리는 차 안에서 에어컨을 쐬며 바로 포장을 까서 먹기로 하였다.

제일 기본인 커스터드푸딩으로 샀고 바로 먹었는데 일반적인 푸딩이랑은 확실히 다르다는 것을 느꼈다.

우선 고소함이 깊었고 단맛도 적당하면서 푸딩의 질감이 혀를 매우 만족스럽게 한다.


Curious about the taste, we decided to open the packaging and eat it right away inside the

car while enjoying the air conditioning. We bought the classic custard pudding, and as soon as

we tasted it, we could tell that it was noticeably different from regular pudding.

Firstly, it had a deep richness, and the sweetness was just right, while the texture of the pudding

satisfied our taste buds greatly.


사진 보니까 또 지금 당장 가서 먹고 싶다.. 조식 먹고 디저트까지 아주 완벽하게 클리어하였다.


Looking at the photos, I suddenly have the urge to go and eat it right now.

We perfectly completed our breakfast and even had dessert.

It was truly a satisfying experience.


디저트 좋아하고 특히 푸딩 좋아하는 사람이라면 대부분 아실 테지만 제주도에 간다면 꼭 들르시라고

권하고 싶다. 나는 디저트를 많이 좋아하지 않은 편이지만 진짜 맛있게 먹었던 푸딩이었고

가을에 또 놀러 갔었을 때 또 들러서 먹었을 정도로 맛있었다.


If you're someone who loves desserts, especially pudding, most likely you already know this,

but if you visit Jeju Island, I highly recommend stopping by UMU. Even though I'm not a big fan

of desserts myself, I must admit that the pudding I had there was truly delicious.

It was so good that when I visited again in autumn, I made sure to stop by and have it once more.


디저트를 좋아한다면 필수로 코스에 넣어라!


If you love desserts, make sure to include it as a must-visit in your itinerary!



제주 제주시 한림읍 한림로 542-1

푸딩기준 1개 6,800₩

영업시간 오전 9:00 ~ 20:00



542-1, Hallim-ro, Hallim-eup, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea

One pudding costs 6,800 KRW.

The operating hours are from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM.




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